Savor your life
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 10:15 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Schaeffer's Train
Song Author
Marisol Garc�a
File Size
37 KB
E-very-thing seems right pre-dic-ted
And e-very day the same all things
you're a-ddic-ted
Wake up and wai-ting to Start the strings, you do
And no-bo-dy else
A leak a-ppears be-fore your eyes
And there is the chance that you have been wai-ting, oh
Please un-ders-tand, please un-ders-tand this feel
And sa-vor your li-fe
Feel the star-light
Now in this time
Ear sounds of night
The sto-ry come now here
Take care your-self and ne-ver wal-king so fast
And al-ways think, be care-ful when run
Sa-vor your life
Sa-vor your life
Try to be una-shamed
Bite your life and go
The time is al-ways too short
Now pro-claim
At the same time you�ve climbed
You�ll see the rain-bow
Now be-gins your prize
Now be-gins your prize
Now be-gins your prize
Now be-gins your prize
Now be-gins your prize